Recommended Novel?

11:23 AM 0 Comments

Sometimes i love read a novel, but i almost didn't have time to read.
Yesterday i go to Gramedia Bookstore and i remember about my friend (Denna) talk to me.
She said i must try to read "Melbourne" because it's a nice story.
So, i've bought that novel and
hmm..... i'm try to read and give some review to you guys :3

By the way, I've just post my first cover on SoundCloud.
Follow and hear this link

Enjoy (:
Good dawn. Calvina Adrilia


Rewind The Memories (?)

1:11 AM 0 Comments

Tahun demi tahun sudah berlalu.
Masa lalu tidak bisa hilang dari ingatan.
Kesetian itu membuat orang lain pilu melihatnya.
Sampai kapan aku terjebak dalam anganku.
Hanya waktu yang dapat menjawab.

Angan tentangmu..
Membawa ku ke waktu kita bersama.
Semua memori indah yang ada di benakku,
berputar kembali seraya kaset video.
Sebentar, namun bermakna.
Meski rasa sakit itu ada..

Sepertinya aku masih ingin bersamamu...

Random feeling,

Calvina Adrilia


A Little Hello to Someone Out There

8:44 AM 0 Comments

"Hey, how are you? What are you doing in there?"

Every people can say like this if they missed someone they love or someone they rarely to meet again. I don't know why but i just missed my old time when i have too much time to talk and have fun with my friend. For now, I've busy with my college life and sometimes i didn't have time to talk with then. I just busy with my ownself. I hope i can have time more than 24 hours in a day and i have more time to myself and the other.


Young On Top

4:36 PM 0 Comments

Young On Top by Billy Noen so inspiring me. 
I've read this book for three chapter and it's motivated me to read book until the end.
I know what must i do if i want success.
This book it's very recommended for you.
I still read this book and i'll give you some review later.

Love reading a book when you still have two eyes 
- Calvina Adrilia-


Light Can Change The Darkness

5:57 AM 0 Comments

Dark cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive our hate, only love can do that.

Bible says we must be the light in the darkness.
We live in the darkness world. 
People can do anything they want and forget about God.
But He always be the light to us.
He change darkness to the light 
He never leave us alone.
God is our Savior.
He give us all His love. 
He sacrifice His life to us.
Just because He love us.
He never hate us, but sometimes people never think about Him. 
People can be the light if they always follow Him.



9:13 AM 0 Comments

What do you think when you hear about God? For me, God is the only one in my heart. He never leave me alone. Maybe i can't see Him, but i believe. Everythings i do He always knew and be with me. 
God can be my Superhero, Best Friends, Daddy, Brother, etc. He's the best multitasking person in this world. He is the good listener but sometimes i know i made His heart broken. He always forgive me. He died for me. 
God know what i want and what i need. I always say BIG THANKFUL because without Him i can't live until this day.
He erase my sadness into joyful (:
Put God as your number one



Mereka itu.. Dia

5:56 PM 0 Comments

Duduk di sekeliling keramaian
Rasanya seperti orang asing yang berada di dunia lain
Setiap orang sepertinya senang
Mereka tertawa tanpa kesakitan
Seperti menertawakan kesedihanku
Apakah mereka tidak tahu aku ada disini?
Apakah aku cuma bayangan bagi mereka?
Tidakkah mereka melihat aku ikut tertawa disini?
Tertawa menutupi kesakitan yang ada
Tadinya aku bersama dia, orang yang menemaniku
Dan aku adalah bagian dari mereka semua
Sekarang... Aku disini sendiri
Menahan sakit dan malu
Dan apa yang kau tahu?
Dia berada di sana, bersama mereka menertawakanku


Memulai Langkah Menuju Impian

10:41 AM 0 Comments

Kutulis mimpiku di kertas kecil itu dan tanpa kusadari semua perlahan menjadi nyata.
Seberkas tulisan di masa lalu memuatku bersyukur atas janjiNya yang ajaib atasku.
Berat dan tak mudah memang, melangkah tanpa kepastian.
Hanya dengan keyakinan dan ketaatanlah aku melangkah.

Masa lalu, Ya.. Masa lalu.
Siapa yang tidak ingin memutar waktu dan menghapus semua kesalahan yang ada.
Pengalaman hidup mengajarkanku untuk lebih tegar.
Belajar dari kesalahan membuatku menjadi sekarang ini.
Seorang yang tegar.
Dan mau berusaha.

Aku mungkin bukanlah orang yang sehebat mereka.
Tetapi dengan keyakinan dan doa aku akan seperti mereka.
Seseorang yang akan mengangkat negeriku ini dari keterpurukannya
Dengan meraih satu per satu mimpiku itu.


Motivation Quotes

11:29 AM 0 Comments

Motivation quotes

Selalu bersemangat dalam waktu apapun karena hal itu akan mencairkan hal yang sulit. 
- Calvina Adrilia-


One Step

10:49 AM 0 Comments

so busy right now to write this blog :(

Seluruh langkah telah kutempuh hingga aku bisa mencapai ke titik ini. 
Titik dimana waktunya aku menunggu hasil dari apa yang telah aku lakukan selama ini. 

Wawancara, psikotes dan tugas kelompok sudah aku lalui untuk masuk ke KBM. 
Yah, KBM...
Organisasi tertinggi di kampusku yang menampung aspirasi mahasiswa yang ada.

Hari ini adalah hari terakhir tahap KBM.
atas hasil wawancara terpilihlah kak Regina sebagai ketua, dan Clara sebagai wakil.
Aku terkejut sekaligus gembira, tetapi di satu sisi aku masih khawatir dengan hasilku.

Ada 2 pembelajaran yang diberikan dari kak Sam dan itu menjadi pembelajaran yang berarti buat aku :
- "Saat merasa bingung, bimbang, atau ragu jangan malah panik. Tetap jadi diri sendiri dan bertanyalah. Itu akan membuat hidup terasa lebih enjoy"
- "Berusahalah tetap menjadi diri kita sendiri. Sebab saat kita tidak menjadi diri kita sendiri kita bisa menjadi pribadi yang jauh berbeda yang bahkan kita sendiri aja bisa tidak kenal"

Aku hanya bisa berserah dan berdoa kepada Tuhan untuk memberikanku hasil yang terbaik. 
Aku ingin agar saat pengumuman itu tiba...
Namaku tertulis disana dan aku bisa mewakilkan aspirasi dari mahasiswa yang ada. 

Takut itu ada. Gelisah itu pasti. 
Tapi aku yakin dengan satu hal. 
Segala sesuatu yang telah kutempu dengan seluruh kemampuan terbaik ku akan menghasilkan hasil yang terbaik.

Silent and Pray :'D


Safe Panda

9:03 AM 0 Comments

I've got a project from my lecture in Digital Publishing subject. I made a poster to against the environment especially for panda. As we know Panda is the one of WWF animal. Panda population always decrease until now. 

Too cute too die, Is it right?


UKM Rencang

7:18 PM 0 Comments

Rencang! Aye


Rencang, merupakan salah satu dari sekian banyak kegiatan mahasiswa di Universitas Multimedia Nusantara yang bergerak di bidang sosial kemanusiaan sejak 2007. Dengan motto We Are Here, because We Do Care! 

Ini merupakan sejarah singkat rencang : 

Rencang merupakan sebuah komunitas sosial dengan nama kenal Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa (UKM) Sosial Rencang. UKM ini memiliki base camp di Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) sejak pertama kali didirikan pada 2007. KUBACANG (Kumpul Bareng Rencang) sendiri dilaksanakan setiap Selasa pk 17.00.

Rencang (bahasa Sunda: sahabat) memiliki berbagai kegiatan insidental, generasi, dan tahunan yang berbasis pada visi menjadi sahabat terbaik masyarakat Indonesia, khususnya yang kurang beruntung secara fisik atau psikis. Kesetiaan Rencang kepada masyarakat ditandai dengan ciri khas logo anjing Siberian Husky, si sahabat manusia, dimana juga menggambarkan kehangatan sebagai keluarga.

Adapun kegiatan yang dilakukan dibawah kepemimpinan generasi 5, antara lain:
Kegiatan Generasi – ION (Importance of Nutrient) di SDN 03 Kelapa Dua, SCH II (Blood Donation: Sharing Caring Helping II) yang dibuka untuk umum, YES (You Are Our Families) di Panti Asuhan Mekar Lestari dan Yayasan Cacat Ganda Sayap Ibu, Live In Bangun Desa Mandalawangi, Pelatihan Kesehatan, dan Belajar Bersama SDN Cihuni II.
Kegiatan Insidental – Evakuasi korban banjir di Tangerang pada Februari 2013, Penggalangan dana membantu mahasiswa UMN yang kecelakaan
Kegiatan Tahunan – Sembako OMB, Gathering Seluruh Angkatan Rencang

Terima kasih kepada KAMU, sahabat Rencang yang selalu mendukung kegiatan Rencang, serta partner-in-crime, seperti PMI Indonesia, ACT Indonesia, SDN di Tangerang, Warga Tangerang, Masyarakat Indonesia, RS Betshaida! Rencang berharap selalu bisa menyebarkan kebahagiaan bagi sesama, sekecil apapun itu. Family means no one left behind, right?

Rencang sekarang sudah memasukin Gen7 / angkatan 7 dengan lebih banyak anggota dibanding angkatan sebelumnya dan semalam rencang membuat rencang night yang dibuat untuk menyambut rencang gen 7 dan membuat perpisahan kepada rencang gen 5 karena mereka akan melakukan regenerasi.

Semoga rencang semakin maju ke depannya dan semakin banyak melakukan hal - hal yang bermanfaat bagi orang banyak. 

Rencang! Aye

Calvina Adrilia #Gen7


Taylor Swift, The Inspiring One :D

1:01 AM 0 Comments

I think everyone know about this girl, Taylor Allison Swift. We know her as Taylor Swift, country singer who love the number 13. I love her so much. Her life, her song, and her love story, so inspiring. She write a song from her story.

Her song make me learn about you must reach your dream. Maybe we don't live in fairytale but we can make our world like this because we are a dreamer (this is not exist for love story). She make me learn to not get falling in love to fast, because if you fall in love you will deeper on this and you will hard to leave this.

Red! I love this album so much. 

Listen this album and you will know what i feel :P


Semangat ku

7:56 AM 0 Comments

Berlari mengejar tujuan. Langkahku berpacu, menuju sesuatu yang ada di depan sana.  Cahaya terang menungguku. Ya, menungguku di depan sana. Menunggu dan menunggu sampai aku datang ke hadapannya. Meraih semua mimpi mimpiku. Aku ingin terus berusaha untuk meraihnya. Bukan dengan keluh kesah, tetapi dengan semangat yang berkobar. Tanpa semangat dan usaha semua akan sia - sia. Ini saatnya aku berlari mengejar semua yang ada di depanku. Berlari mengejar ketinggalan dan mimpi yang belum tercapai. Mereka menungguku.

Dunia kuliah membuatku sibuk dengan diriku sendiri. Tugas yang terlihat banyak selalu ada di depanku. Aku hanya ingin selalu menjadi yang terbaik yang bisa kulakukan. Mungkin memang sulit, tetapi aku yakin dan percaya semua yang aku lakukan akan membuahkan hasil. Pray for the best and God will help you (:


Holiday : The End

8:06 PM 0 Comments

Hey people, i feel sad now because my holiday has already end. 2 months of holiday can't enough for me.  Meet my old friend, talk and hangout with them. And now it's hard for me to meet them again until the next year at the same holiday.

This is who i meet and what i do on my holiday :

My holiday start at 22nd June 2013 and it must be until 2nd September 2013, but i must join again with Orientasi Mahasiswa Baru. So, i have a little short holiday than the others :(

22nd June 2013.
Hang out with Claudia Angelina (Angel), we go to bobabits and chit chat for a while and then i go to Eternity 19th birthday dinner at Karnivor. Long time no see her. I meet the other high school friend, missed them :')

23rd June 2013
Maureen, my old JTC friend come back to Indonesia. After she stayed at California for 4 years ago.

24th June 2013
Jennifer 17th birthday dinner at Karnivor. Meet JTC dancer, sisterhood. Jeniffer, Monic, Syenny, Rere, Ame, Jessica

26th June 2013
Buy a gift for Sherlyn with Syenny. And then i meet JBSG girls. Sherlyn, Syenny, Janice, Echa, Marissa. How i missed the time when we do our drama. Time flies so fast. It's already one year ago.

27th June 2013
Atmajaya University with Sherlyn. I sleepover at her house at night before and i follow her when she go to campus. haha. And then i try collate and lola. So nyummy and that place is nice.

30th June 2013
After church, we go to gading and have a long chitchat at ikkhoussa and bobabits. with Monic, Maureen, Syenny

2-4th July 2013
Retret CK 7 GBI PRJ

11th July 2013
Meet my best couple. Chikita and Kenan. My best friend and my good listener at CP. We just meet for a few hour. So sad but it's priceless.

13th July 2013
Play at Janice's home with Syenny

16th July 2013
Kenan need my help to surprise Chikita at their 5 monthsary. So i go to Serpong and find a tiger doll with him and then we go to ucol to meet and surprise her. I think it's silly because i carry the tiger with a big plastic trash and i follow them when they walk haha. :P but it's okay. For the first time i go to UPH.

17th July 2013
Back to my High School. Meet all my teacher. Really missed them, i missed HIGHSCHOOL :''') my class, my uniform, my friend, test, and everythings about high school :( grow old to fast

18th July 2013
SCOLS days out. We just go to Yeyo and Collate&Lola. Talk for a while and then me with Sherlyn and Syenny go to Plaza Semanggi to do our facial together :P

29th July 2013
Happy birthday Angel :) Have a little surprise for Angel with Denna and Galvin. Already meet them :") After that me, Denna and Galvin go to Mall Kelapa Gading. We watched Wolverine and then chitchat at Share tea

30th July - 1st August 2013
Bandung Culinary Trip with Denna, Graciella and Adrian. We eat and eat hahaha. We go to much restaurant and cafe. Maja House, Sapu Lidi, Kampung Daun, Tokyo Connection, Hummingbird, Giggle Box, Siera Cafe, The Valley, Cocorico, Floating Market. First day we stayed at Wisma Unpar and then we moved to Aston Braga. Have a nice holiday.  I'm waiting for the next holiday :*

5th August 2013
Sisterhood time. We go to PIK. Ikkhousa and then Fat bubble and then Gading. I met Windy and we chat for a while

10th August 2013
Go to SICC with JTC Gbi PRJ and then Nicholas birthday at Xo suki. After day me with dancer go to moi and chitchat :P

14th August 2013
Koultoura! with Sherlyn and Syenny. I meet up with Elvina. After a long time! :D By the way, i think Koultoura is a great cafe. Designed by Ivan axioo. So cozy and relax. After day we go to Central Park and we try blackball

15th August 2013
Hang out with Galvin and Denna at Mall Kelapa Gading. Precious time with this two

16th August 2013
MY OLD FRIEND! PRISCILIA WAHJU. After a long time we can meet again. Meet up with her at sushi bodo and have 6 hours chitchat. haha

18th August 2013

And last. 20th August 2013
TA with Poppy and Albern. We watch The Call. Very Recommended movie. Call 911! "it's already done"

My holiday for this year : The End. And now. it's time to back to my daily routine. My college life. See you people.


Calvina Adrilia


Koultoura Coffee

10:35 AM 0 Comments

2 days ago me and my friend Sherlyn and Syenny go to Koultoura Coffee. A new cafe in West Jakarta. I love this place concept. Vintage and simple. They have a few unique character like bear, fox, owl, etc. Koultoura means Culture in Greek. It is the birth of Western Culture, they hope you will pick up a new Culture in Koultoura. I order green tea latte and macncheese pasta, the taste it's good :9. I meet my friend in there. I never meet her before, Elvina. I know her on Facebook and i make appointment to meet in this place. As always, i never forget to take some picture :P


Calvina Adrilia


Stronger Than Before

10:12 AM 0 Comments

And now, i want to share about love life. If someone falling in love they can't control themselves and they will think they are the happiest person in this world. You always think about him, you always smile and blushing if he reply your message. Yeah, i feel that too. It feels like a crazy but that's true. 

I love someone and i didn't know from when i'm fallin' in love with him. I never ever think i will love him and you know? i loved him without except. I didn't know what i think in that time, distance and time separated us but i feel okay about that. One day he confess me, in that time i think i'm the happiest girl in this world. hahha crazy. Day by day i've spent just with a smile, love and i just waiting him to back to here, but, unfortunately he break up me before one month. I still believe with him and i think we break up because we busy each other. I always make up my mind to think positive, always make the wrong to be right, i still believe and believe. Time flies so fast, i know he will come back to here, but i try to didn't know anything. I promise to myself if he didn't talk to me if he back i'll forget him. 

He come back to Indonesia and the day he back i meet him because i'll meet my friend. Silly me, i still believe if he will search me, he just busy. I still try to contact with him because i didn't want lose contact with him. And after a few days i didn't contact again with him.
I put my big trust, believe, love but he never ever give attention about that. He break my trust, break my heart to a little piece. He never know about that i think. He forget about his promise, he just can speak but never give action about that. He never know what will happen because what he do. Desperated? Yes. Hate? Yes. I HATE him most, after i know he get a relationship with someone again. 

and do you know? I just learn to didn't hate him try to forgive him now. Thanks for make me more stronger than before :) I give a huge appreciation for this. I trust God have someone better to me. Just never look back and love like you never been hurt 

Calvina Adrilia


Don't Be Late to Love

9:57 PM 0 Comments

Sometimes we are busy with our own activity and we forget about someone we love. 

Our parents, they love us and care to us from we are baby. They love us without except. But sometimes when they old we forget and didn't care about them. So sad. :( 

I found this video on Facebook. Watch this and i think you will think again and start to love your parents. We can't turn back our time :') we only live one. 

Smile ,
Calvina Adrilia :D


SCOLS, Never Get Enough

9:09 PM 0 Comments

Last week, me and my best friends i called SCOLS went to Yeyo and Collete & Lola at Senopati. We talk, chit chat n shared everythings. SCOLS is my best friends since i'm grade 7. It's been a long time ago. SCOLS personel is Sherlyn Evania, Calvina Adrilia (Me), Odhie - Claudia Dewi, Lala - Clara Arde and Syenny Purnamasari. 

By the way, about the place we go, i think that place is good if you want to meet up with your friend and the price is worth it :)

We didn't forget to take a picture

SCOLS time is Priceless - Odhie

We addicted with this :9

It's not celebration without cake :P

Love and Smile,

Calvina Adrilia


Movie Madness

1:52 AM 0 Comments

I've already finished my study for semester 2 n it's time for a long holiday. I've spent my time to hang out with my family and friend and the other one is watching movie at cinema. Wuhu. i love it <3

This all the movie i've watched since the holiday. I've already watch Now You See Me, World War Z, Refrain, Monster University, White House Down, Despicable Me 2, Lone Ranger, Pacific Rim.

I will give you the review about all this movie :)

Now You See Me

"The closer you look, The less you'll see "
A group of street magicians became famous illusionists in the world, where each of their performances as well rob the corruptors. They ended every show by showering the audience with the stolen money, not for themselves

They were interrogated by an elite squad of FBI agents, to find out how the team is doing robberies carried out thousands of miles away from the venue for the magic show

World War Z

Based on the novel by Max Brook titled the same, World War Z, a background beginning of an outbreak. Gerry Lane (Brad Pitt) race against time when she travels the world to stop the zombie outbreak

Strive to keep the safety of his family when he was exploring a new world, Lane had to fight the vicious zombie attacks and life after outbreak


Adapted from the bestselling novel Winna Efendi, Refrain Niki tells the story of a trip (Maudy Ayunda) and Nata (Afgansyah Reza) in finding their love.

After years of friendship, there are different colors when Niki and Nata stepping high school. There is a figure of Annalise (Chelsea Elizabeth Icelandic), a new student who turns His mother was a famous model. There Oliver (Maxime Bouttier), a handsome basketball captain Niki alluring. And, there is Helena (Stevani Nepa), captain of the cheerleaders who never want to lose.

Nata turns Niki loves more than friends. Unfortunately, did not dare to express his feelings Nata, Nata only dare to write his heart out in a letter that is stored in a blue envelope. Nata feelings are not delivered, until Niki finally read it when Nata had gone to Austria to study music.

At that moment, love will get you home.

Monster University

Mike Wazowski and James P. Sullivan are an inseparable pair, but not always the case. From this moment. This second Monster at odds with each other

This sequel tells the origin of both Monsters Inc.., How Mike and Sulley overcame their differences and became best friends

White House Down

A police officer John Dale (Channing Tatum) has just failed obtain his dream job is to join the team
The secret to protect President James Sawyer (Jamie Foxx). Not wanting to disappoint her, he took
a walk to the White House, when a sabotage by armed paramilitary group occurred

Currently, the government became chaotic and the limited time, now all options for Cale, to save president, princess and country

Despicable Me 2

Minion has returned. This movie is the most awaited film. New adventure brings the return of Gru (Steve Carell), the little girl and the minion as well as a number of new characters

In this sequel, the Anti-Crime Gru ask for help when they encounter a new villain Eduardo (Benjamin Bratt)

Lone Ranger

Primitive warrior Tonto (Johnny Depp) tells how law enforcement John Reid (Armie Hammer) into a
legend as their first adventure together

Pacific Rim

A number of monsters, known as Kaiju, emerged from the sea floor, the start of a war that claimed millions of lives and seize existing resources. To fight these giants, prepared a special weapon: a Jaegers as a robot controlled by two pilots. However Jaegers helpless against Kaiju

On the verge of defeat, the human army has no choice but to take over the fighting Kaiju. A former pilot (Charlie Hunnam) and an untested pilot (Rinko Kikuchi), they are humanity's last hope to save the earth

Enjoy :D

Calvina Adrilia


My first book : Coffee Table Book

6:17 PM 3 Comments

Hey people! Nice to see you again. :D I've got a project from my lecturer to make a coffee table book.  He said to used my photography portfolio or illustration, so the first time i think in my head to make this illustration book. And, this is the result :D 

LOVE LIVE LAUGH By : Calvina Adrilia

this is the real book